
Friday, January 10, 2020

Letter to prime minister activity 3

Dear Jacinda Ardern,

You are a great prime minister of NZ and I think everyone can agree with that. However, that's not what I’m here to talk about. In New Zealand ,thousands of people are living on the streets or they’re living in a house with some bad conditions. Just Imagine what those people are suffering. What you could to help would be to tell the people of Kainga Ora to “A” lower the prices of the housing for regular rentals as well as housing NZ houses  “B’’ try to make their homes a better place by replacing their insulation and doing the same with the doors and windows free of charge for the tenant. It is called an act of kindness. People always say you could give out an act of kindness but it never really happens does it?! And last of all you could make people on the street a temporary home until they can afford a house of their own. I’m not saying you have to do it straight away because this is asking a lot from you and the ministry. But would be nice If you could make one of these changes.

Yours sincerally,

Caedance Brown.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caedance,
    This is a very important issue and it is great to see that you are concerned about it also. The housing and homlessness crisis has increased over recent years and is a very expensive issue for civilians and the government as a lot of money goes into housing. A good thing that has recently been introduced is the emergency housing, it is a small village of homes offered to people with housing emergencies like homelessness or unsafe environments, there is one in Kaitaia provided by the He Korowai Trust.
    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates
    Manaiakalani commenter.


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