
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

steam reaflection

Name……Caedance……………………………..      Date ……………18.09.18……………………..
- Coding (Snap4Arduino) and Arduino Boards
In Term 3, the students have been continuing their STEAM learning using the STEAM Electronics kits. They have been learning how to block code using the program Snap4Arduino. The purpose of this learning has been for the students to control one or more LED lights on an electronic arduino board using code. Each week the coding expectation increased and the students showed perseverance in achieving successful outcomes!
Learning Goal 1. To make an LED blink off/on by controlling voltage from 0V to 5V by programming the Arduino.
Learning Goal 2.  To change the speed of blinking to such a high rate that the LED appears to be dimmer.
Learning Goal 3. To make the LED fade on and off by varying the voltage

2018 - Term 3 STEAM - ‘Coding and Arduino Boards’ Reflective Questions
  1. What was I learning and why?

Me and my partner were learning how to make a led [light emitting diode]

blink alternatively using snap 4 aurduino and a electrical breadboard .

  1. What did I do well and how do I know?

I did the code well because I knew exactly what code
blocks I needed and how to organize them into the
right places.

  1. What challenged me ……?

The thing that challenged me the most was probably the wiring
because it was tricky to get them in the right places and connecting
them to the breadboard plus putting the wires in ground and five volt
and to put the led in the right place.

  1. What would I do differently next time to make my learning more successful ….. ?

Next time I think I could read the instructions on how to tell where the places
are.and use the diagram

  1. What have I enjoyed about the learning?
I liked having the feeling of being able to code wire up a breadboard and being able to do something a year 10 can do

Friday, September 14, 2018

a convincing letter to the editor banning cats

Dear Editor,

Environment south land want to ban all new domestic cats to protect native bird life
lizards and insects but I disagree that cats should be ban because there could be other
ways to fix this problem like put a bell on the collars so it warns things that the cat is
near plus they are probably trying to stay healthy because they are not getting the right
amount of food.Dogs are to blame they do twice as much damage.Cats are easy to blame
maybe we could make a curfew for dogs and cats then the native birds would have more
of a chance for surviving. And maybe you could round up strays of both kinds cats and
dogs tame them microchip them and give them their vacinations and give them a home.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

my reap speech 2018

Kia ora, ko Caedance toku ingoa ko Jamie brown Raua ko kelly paice oku matua ko turipuku te tupuna orunga ko mrs davan toku kaiako ko sir toku taumaki. I believe that strong values  are way more important than academic achievement. What is a strong value? What is academic achievement? Can brainy people act dumb? Absolutely. Who do you remember the most? The brainy kids? Or the ones that are nice to you? For me it’s the nice ones what about you?
NOW!!! What is a strong value? My values at school are Excellence , diversity , integrity, community & partnership & last of all caring for the environment and there you have it EDICE. These values are what we live by at Paparore. We are proud and passionate at Paparore. A person with strong values is a good person with a high standard of behaviour. At school, I value integrity and diversity the most, but at home? Not so much. Especially when my brother annoys me.
What is academic achievement? It is when you do well in school. Good grades, trophies, certificates, scholarships to university and much more. Or in other words, really smart people. But it is possible that a really smart person can sometimes be a bad person.
Did you know about some guy called Thomas Edison versing some guy called Tesla. They both discovered electricity. Tesla discovered the AC current and Thomas discovered  the DC current but however Tesla’s invention was better than Thomas’s and Thomas got jealous. So this guy called Thomas, he killed puppys with Tesla’s invention. Why? Thomas obviously valued himself more than he valued a living creature. O. M. G. I’m grateful for electricity and all that, but killing puppies? A BIG NO NO.
As for Tesla, he believed that only smart people should create infants. (*quiet voice* It’s another way of saying, “make babies.”) He thought that if only smart people had babies, the world would be full of smart people. But then there would be hardly any children though.
The kind of people I look up to are people like Cariss, Stevie and our other nominees for the Sir Peter Blake award and Paige a senior role model that I looked up to when I was in Te Kakano . I look up to them because of their strong value’s. They show all of the school’s values even when they are out in the community. The values they showed that stood out for me are diversity, integrity  and striving for excellence. They accept that other people are different and do the right thing even when no one is looking. They are kind,compassionate and they set good examples for me to follow. I don’t know if they’re smart or not.
Being smart doesn’t necessarily make you a good person. Some smart people think they know it all but no one likes a know it all. You should acknowledge that you still have lots to learn and you can stay open to learning new things.that is why I think strong values are way more important    than academic achievement thank you for listing no reira tena kouto tena koato katoa

my mum

My mum is a great person she is a teacher aid at my school in te whare tui she doe's hard work she feeds the dog feeds me and my brother.she give's me a loving home.She is single she also come's to all my basketball game's and cheers me on oh yeah when I was at reap she helped me practise every night to assure myself I'm ready she love's me and I love her.When I am having Issues with my learning she is always there for me to tell her what I'm having issue's with when I need her she is there and every moment I spend with her we treasure it together nothing is more inportant to me than my mum

basic facts

at the start of the year I got to twenty I started improving all the way up to the seventy's but my highest score was 96 and this term I got 100 out of 100 that felt so good that I kept going and I got 100 out of 100 and I'm hoping I can be a wiz kid by the end of this term I love basic facts and this term we have been learning fractions with Mrs Radich and sir it has been a great way of learning. With Mrs Radich we learnt greater and less than fractions and with sir we have been learning to illustrate a fraction and write them in percentage's and decimals I am in math's ninja's in Te kauru iti  I like basic facts and I hope you do to